Research for Better Health and Social Care Strategy (2016-25)

Date published: 11 February 2016

Research and development is an integral part of ensuring that health and social care services are of the highest quality and informed by the best available and up-to-date evidence.  For that reason, DHSSPS invests over £10m annually in promoting research aimed at improving the health and social care of the population.

It is important that such investment is targeted at those areas where there is a consensus about what is needed most.  And for that reason DHSSPS embarked on an extensive consultation across a wide range of stakeholder groups on what should be the objectives for funding in the next 10 years.  The result of this work is “Research for Better Health and Social Care”, a new strategy for Health and Social Care Research and Development in Northern Ireland.

The Public Health Agency will have a crucial role in implementing this strategy and has specified the detailed measures in the Implementation Plan (2016-2025) against which funding will be awarded, and the actions that will be taken to ensure Northern Ireland sustains a global reputation as a centre of excellence for high quality health and social care research.

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