Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) annual conferences and updates
This page contains information relating to the annual CNO conference and news and updates from the CNO
CNO conferences
The CNO hosts an annual conference for the nursing and midwifery professions in Northern Ireland. This provides an opportunity for nurses and midwives to hear firsthand about new policies or developments affecting the profession. Since 2014 the DoH and Department of Health, Ireland have agreed to hold a joint all-Ireland Chief Nursing Officers’ Conference.
Information from CNO conferences is accessible via the links below.
All Ireland Chief Nursing Officers’ Conference 2017
The All Ireland Chief Nursing Officers’ Conference will take place in the Titanic Suite, Titanic Belfast on 06 December 2017.
This year’s conference theme is ‘Valuing Nursing and Midwifery Outcomes – an All Ireland Approach’.
This is the fourth All Ireland Nursing Officers’ Conference and it aims to enable opportunities to engage in discussion, insightful debate and networking.
If you require further information please contact us on telephone: 02890 523704 or 02890 520221 or by email:
All-Ireland CNO conference 2015
The 2015 all-Ireland conference was held in Titanic Belfast on 18 September 2015.
All-Ireland CNO conference 2014
The 2014 all-Ireland conference was held in Dublin Castle Printworks Conference Centre on 1 December 2014.
CNO conference 2013
CNO conference 2012
CNO conference 2011
Chief Nursing Officer news updates and annual reviews
The CNO newsletter will no longer be produced. All updates and news from the Chief Nursing Officer will be accessible via this page.