Family Nurse Partnership

The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) programme is an intensive, preventative one-to-one home visiting programme for first time teenage mothers from early pregnancy until their child reaches two.

Its main aims are to improve pregnancy outcomes, child health and development and the economic self-sufficiency of the family. Family Nurse partnership Image

FNP aims to introduce a new approach to nursing, working with the parents to help them build up their own skills and resources to parent their child well, but also to think about their own future aspirations.

FNP significantly improves outcomes for young parents from disadvantaged communities who have experienced multiple adversities.

FNP adds value, breaks the cycle of disadvantage and transforms 
the lives of babies, children and families who have graduated from the FNP programme.

FNP significantly improves outcomes for young parents from disadvantaged communities who have experienced multiple adversities.

FNP adds value, breaks the cycle of disadvantage and transforms 
the lives of babies, children and families who have graduated from the FNP programme.

Young people’s satisfaction with the FNP program and family nurses is extremely positive. 

Family Nurse Partnership is changing the world and changing Northern Ireland one baby at a time. 

Since it started in 2010

  • 785 teenagers have enrolled in the programme.
  • In 2018, 127 teenagers enrolled in the programme.
  • Lower number of babies with lower birth weight.
  • Improvement in breastfeeding rates for mothers on the programme.
  • Young mother mastery levels are higher at the end of the programme.
  • Child development at 20 months is within normal limits.

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