Daily Covid-19 figures - 29 April 2020

Date published: 29 April 2020

The Department of Health confirms that today a further nine people have sadly lost their lives to Covid-19.


This brings the total number of deaths to 338 since the start of the outbreak.

There have also been 55 more cases of coronavirus diagnosed here, bringing the number of confirmed cases to 3,463.

  Number of tests Positive Deaths
Position change between 28 and 27 April *1,447 55 9
Cumulative total 24,359 3,463 338

*This includes 464 tests carried out as part of the national testing programme.

Covid-19 suspected/confirmed Inpatients: 819
Covid-19 suspected/confirmed Discharges: 3,346
ICU Beds: 113
ICU Beds Covid-19 suspected/confirmed: 30
ICU Available: 38
Total Beds (as of 28 April): 3,449
Total Beds Occupied (as of 28 April): 2,316
Care Home Outbreaks (as of 28 April): 69


Notes to editors: 

  1. For media enquiries please contact DoH Press Office by email: pressoffice@health-ni.gov.uk. Out of hours please contact the Duty Press Office on 028 9037 8110.
  2. Follow us on twitter @healthdpt.

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