Extension to the term of appointment of non-executive director to the Public Health Agency

Date published: 27 September 2017

The Non-Executive appointment of Brian Coulter, as Non-Executive Director of the Public Health Agency, has been extended for a maximum period of 12 months from 2 September 2017.

Public Appointments Image

The appointment carries a time commitment of five days per month and attracts an annual remuneration of £9,004.

The Public Health Agency (PHA) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional body, with a strong regional and local presence. The Agency was established to provide a renewed and enhanced focus on public health and wellbeing by bringing together a wide range of public health functions under one organisation. It is required to create better inter-sectoral working, including enhanced partnership with local government, to tackle the underlying causes of poor health and reduce health inequalities.

The PHA is managed directly by a board of directors which has corporate responsibility for its operation. The board of the PHA is made up of four Executive Directors including the Chief Executive, a non-executive Chair and seven non-executive Directors. The non-executive Directors include a Member from a social care background; a Trade Union Representative Member, two Local Government Representative Members, one Financial Member and two Lay Members.

Notes to editors: 

  1. The appointment is made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for NI.
  2. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published. Mr. Coulter has declared that he has not engaged in any political activity.
  3. Mr Brian Coulter is a Lay Commissioner with the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission.  Mr Coulter has held several Non-Executive Director positions on health and social care regulatory bodies.  He is a past Chair of the General Optical Council, Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority and Eastern Health and Social Services Council.  He will bring to his role as Non-Executive Director on the board of the Public Health Authority his extensive experience in the health sector at senior management and executive level.
  4. For media enquiries please contact DOH Press Office on 028 9052 0579 or email pressoffice@health-ni.gov.uk. For out of office please contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 07623 974383. Follow us on twitter @healthdpt

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