Hamilton announces funding for the Family Fund to support the families of disabled children in NI

Date published: 22 March 2016


Health Minister Simon Hamilton today announced that the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has provided £1.57million in funding to the Family Fund.

Minister SImon Hamilton
Minister SImon Hamilton

This funding will enable the Family Fund to support families in Northern Ireland who have a child or children with a severe disability.

Minister Hamilton said: “I am delighted to announce that my Department has been able to provide this significant amount of funding to the Family Fund. It will alleviate concerns and reassure local families of my Department’s continuing commitment to supporting those who are raising disabled and seriously ill children.”

The Family Fund offers a wide range of goods and services which are focused on directly supporting the needs of the child with a disability but are equally aimed at improving the overall lot of the family affected by a disability.

The Minister continued: “I anticipate that this funding will provide approximately 4,000 local families with the necessary support to help relieve the financial burden which those families with a child with a disability would otherwise face.”

Notes to editors: 

  • The Family Fund is a charitable body established over 30 years ago to manage an inter-territorial fund to provide financial assistance and information to families that have a child or children with a severe disability. The Fund is funded by government departments in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to undertake this function.
  • Media queries about this press release to DHSSPS Press Office on 028 9052 0567, or out of office hours contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 076 9971 5440 and your call will be returned. Follow us on Twitter @healthdpt

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