Health minister on easing of restrictions

Date published: 15 April 2021

Commenting on the Executive’s decisions on easing Covid-19 restrictions, Health Minister Robin Swann said: “I very much welcome the fact that Ministers have reached agreement around proposals brought to today’s meeting by the Executive Office.

Minister Swann Statement 15 April 2021

“We are moving in the right direction and it’s important to bring optimism and certainty to this improving picture.

“Every one of us has a part to play in maintaining progress – by getting vaccinated when our turn comes and by sticking with the actions that have served us well for the past year – including social distancing, wearing a mask, washing hands. It’s also vital to remember that outdoor settings are significantly safer than indoors.

“As we look forward to a better summer, we must not lose sight of the fact that the virus is still a threat. The more we increase vaccination uptake rate, the more we strengthen our defences.

“The Executive’s phased and gradual approach to easing restrictions is the right one. Opening everything up at the same time would not be the responsible way forward. We must not jeopardise the progress we have made.”

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