Minister Hamilton announces Omagh as preferred site for new Mental Health Unit

Date published: 24 March 2016


Health Minister Simon Hamilton today announced the preferred location for the planned second mental health inpatient unit for the Western Health and Social Care Trust.

The Minister said: “I am pleased that we’re making progress on this important and much needed second mental health facility in the Western Trust area. It is vital that we provide high quality, effective and accessible mental health facilities accessible to everyone in Northern Ireland. I am acutely aware of the impact that untreated mental health issues can have on individuals and their families.

“That is why I am today announcing that, subject to the completion of satisfactory business case, my preferred location for the new facility is Omagh.

“Building the new facility near the site of the existing services in Omagh represents the best option in terms of clinical outcomes and value for money.

“While a considerable amount of work remains to be done before the new facility opens its doors, I hope today’s announcement demonstrates my continuing commitment to delivering these important new mental health services.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. The Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT) is currently developing a business case to support the creation of a second mental health inpatient unit. The Department is working with the Trust to complete the business case for submission for a final decision on the proposed new unit.
  2. While work on the business case continues, early indications from the analysis being undertaken suggests that building the facility in Omagh would deliver the best outcomes in terms of balancing access to clinical services with value for money.
  3. The new unit would be built near the existing mental health inpatient facilities and would allow for service synergies with other facilities at the site.
  4. As the business case remains under development, the location of the new unit remains subject to change should new information emerge. At this stage however, Omagh is preferred site for the new build.
  5. Media enquiries about this press release to DHSSPS Press Office on 028 9052 0074, or out of office hours contact to Duty Press Officer via pager number 07699 715 440 and your call will be returned. Follow us on twitter @healthdpt

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