Publication of “Statistics on Community Care for Adults in NI 2016 - 2017”
Date published:
The Department of Health has today published the “Statistics on Community Care for Adults in NI 2016 - 2017” statistical bulletin.
The publication reports on activity data analysed by HSC Trust. It also includes trend analysis over the past five years.
Key Facts and Figures:
Contacts with HSC Trusts
- Between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017, 28,653 1 persons in the Elderly Care, Learning Disability and Physical & Sensory Disability POC’s were in contact with HSC Trusts
- Over a third of the 28,653 1 contacts with HSC Trusts were by persons in the Elderly Care POC (36%), almost a third were by persons in the Physical & Sensory Disability (32%) POC and almost a third were by persons in the Learning Disability (32%) POC
- Of those persons in contact with HSC Trusts whose age was known (28,6501), 11,250 (39%) were aged 65 and over
Care Packages in Effect
- At 30 June 2017, 11,808 2 residential and nursing home care packages were in effect, a decrease of 5% since 30 June 2016
- Of the 11,808 2 care packages in effect, over two thirds (71%) were nursing home care packages and under one third (29%) were residential care packages
- Over four fifths (81%) of care packages were in effect in the Elderly Care POC
- The vast majority (92%) of residential and nursing home care packages were provided by the private sector. The voluntary and statutory sectors provided much smaller proportions of residential and nursing home care packages (both 4%)
1 Due to data quality issues, figures for Physically Disabled Persons (General Classes) in contact with the Belfast HSC Trust have not been included for this year. In order to facilitate comparisons of contacts by age group, figures for this Trust have been approximated based on figures from previous years.
2 Figures for Belfast HSC Trust use September 2017 data as June 2017 information was not available at the time of publication.
Meals on Wheels Services
- At 31 March 2017, 1,846 persons were in receipt of meals on wheels services. This was 275 (13%) less than the number in receipt at the end of the previous year and 1,220 (40%) less than the number in receipt four years ago
- Over nine in ten (93%) persons receiving a meals on wheels service were aged 65 and over. This comprised of 12% aged 65 - 74, 30% aged 75 - 84 and 50% aged 85 & over
Residential & Nursing Accommodation
- At 30 June 2017, there were 5,238 residential places available. This was a small (1%) increase from the number of residential places available at 30 June 2016 (5,180) and a decrease of 2% since 30 June 2013 (5,347)
- Of the 5,238 residential places available, almost three in five (59%) were in independent residential homes while just over one in five were in statutory residential homes and dual registered nursing homes (21% and 20%) respectively
- At 30 June 2017, there were 10,700 available nursing care beds. This was a very small (0.1%) increase from the number of nursing care beds available at 30 June 2016 (10,692) and a decrease of 2% since 30 June 2013 (10,872)
- Of the 10,700 nursing care beds available almost all (99.8%) were in the independent sector, 45% of which were in dual registered homes, and only a small proportion (0.2%) were in the statutory sector
Day Care Registrations
- At 31 March 2017, 7,173 persons were registered at statutory day care facilities. This was 217 (3%) less than the number registered at the end of the previous year and 469 (6%) less than the number registered four years ago
- Of those persons registered at statutory day care facilities whose age was known (6,473), three fifths (60%) were aged under 65 and two fifths (40%) were aged 65 and over
- Of those persons registered at statutory day care facilities whose POC was known (7,061), almost half (44%) had a learning disability while a small proportion (4%) had no material disablement
Notes to editors:
1. This information was collated by Community Information Branch within the DoH.
2. This bulletin is published on an annual basis.
3. Statistics detailed within the bulletin include contacts with HSC Trusts, residential and nursing care packages in effect, meals on wheels, residential and nursing accommodation and day care registrations. Analyses are presented by HSC Trust.
4. Figures incorporate all returns and amendments received from HSC Trusts up to 12 September 2017.
5. This publication is available online.
6. Further information is available from:
Community Information Branch
Department of Health
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Annexe 2
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Tel: (028) 90 528134
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