Southern Health and Social Care Trust Urology Lookback Review Activity and Outcomes Report for Cohort 2

Date published: 09 July 2024

The Department of Health welcomes the announcement today by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust regarding the publication of the “SHSCT Urology Lookback Review Activity and Outcomes Report for Cohort 2”.

Department of Health Latest News image white text on a departmental blue background
Department of Health Latest News image white text on a departmental blue background

The publication of the report is a significant milestone following the announcement of the commencement of the Urology Lookback Review in November 2020. The Urology Lookback Review was initiated by the Southern Trust following concerns about the clinical practice of the now retired consultant urologist, Mr Aidan O’Brien.

The Southern Trust Urology Lookback Review Activity and Outcomes Report for Cohort 2, follows the findings of the earlier phase (Cohort 1), which was published on 9 August 2023. It outlines the lookback review activity and outcomes for Cohort 2 and also includes a summary of the activity and outcomes for both Cohort 1 and Cohort 2.

The Southern Trust has confirmed that this marks the completion of the Urology Lookback Review and no further patient cohorts are required for review, following the completion of Cohort 2.

The Department of Health wishes to again acknowledge the upset, distress and anxiety these matters have caused to the patients and families affected and to thank the clinical and administrative staff who have completed the Urology Lookback Review and provided support to the patients and families during this period.

The Report can be accessed at - Latest News | Southern Health & Social Care Trust (

Notes to editors: 

  1. The SHSCT Urology Lookback Review, Activity and Outcomes Report (Cohort 1) for the first cohort of patients is available on the Southern Health and Social Care Trust’s website:
  2. It is not expected that there will be a need for a further cohort. The Trust have committed to undertake a review of care provided by Mr O’Brien for any urology patient, including any private patient, who come forward to raise concerns in the future.  If anyone has any concerns, they can contact the Trust on Freephone number 0800 414 8520 (lines open Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm)
  3. The former Health Minister Robin Swann announced in November 2020 that a Public Inquiry would take place in relation to serious concerns about the clinical practice of Mr Aidan O’Brien. Further information on the Urology Services Inquiry can be found at:
  4. For media enquiries please contact the DoH Press Office by email
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  6. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service For Media Enquiries Only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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