Swann welcomes Remdesivir for treatment of Covid-19

Date published: 26 May 2020

Health Minister Robin Swann welcomes the announcement today that the anti-viral drug Remdesivir will be available for the treatment of Covid-19.


Remdesivir is an innovative drug that is currently undergoing clinical trials around the world, including the UK.  International studies show the drug can shorten recovery time from Covid-19 by about four days.

The Minister said: “The news that patients in Northern Ireland will have access to Remdesivir through the Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS) is a positive step in the fightback against COVID-19. It is only a few short months ago that we were first faced with this previously unknown virus.  Amazing progress has been made in producing and delivering this anti-viral in a short timescale.”

The drug will be available to patients who meet certain clinical criteria to support their recovery in hospital.  Trusts in Northern Ireland will be able to apply for access to the treatment for eligible patients.

In conclusion the Minister said: “Science has been at the forefront in these unprecedented times and it is through science that we will see breakthroughs in treatments for Covid-19.  Patient safety will remain a priority and we will monitor the success of remdesivir through the early access scheme and clinical trials to ensure the best results for all patients.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. The early access to medicines scheme (EAMS) aims to give patients with life threatening or seriously debilitating conditions access to medicines that do not yet have a marketing authorisation when there is a clear unmet medical need.
  2. Under the scheme, the MHRA will give a positive scientific opinion on the benefit/risk balance of the medicine, based on the data available; this opinion does not replace the normal licensing procedures for medicines but supports the prescriber and patient to make a decision on whether to use the medicine earlier than its licence is approved.
  3. The MHRA and the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) considered the emerging results of an Active COVID-19 Treatment Trial (ACTT) study, and other studies conducted by Gilead. The data were sufficient to meet the criteria for an EAMS scientific opinion, and the benefits were determined to outweigh the risks. 
  4. The scientific opinion describes the risks and benefits of the medicine based on data gathered from the patients who will benefit from the medicine. The opinion supports the prescriber and patient to make a decision on whether to use the medicine before its licence is approved.
  5. Find out more about the NIHR’s national process to prioritise COVID-19 research. Details on the process and the new single point of entry for prioritising COVID-19 studies can be found on the National Institute for Health Research's website.
  6. The drug will be used in adults and adolescents hospitalised with severe COVID-19 infection who meet additional clinical criteria.
  7. For media enquiries please contact DoH Press Office by  email: pressoffice@health-ni.gov.uk. Out of hours please contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 9037 8110.
  8. Follow us on twitter @healthdpt.

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