Swann welcomes response to cancer strategy consultation

Date published: 15 February 2022

Health Minister Robin Swann has welcomed the response to the recent consultation on Northern Ireland’s draft cancer strategy which he says will be published in the coming weeks.

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Publishing the consultation analysis report, Minister Swann, said: “We believe we can do better for people who have cancer and were very clear in the draft cancer strategy that it is our ambition to build a world class service for people in Northern Ireland.

“We also recognise that cancer will impact on all our lives at some point and it’s therefore hugely important that everyone has the opportunity to share their views on the future of services. During the consultation there was significant engagement with stakeholders from various sectors and opportunities for the public to participate in the process.

Acknowledging the inputs of all those who contributed to the process Minister Swann, said: “I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took the time to respond to the consultation. Without a doubt, the input received through the consultation process will have a significant and positive impact on the final strategy and its recommendations which will be published in the coming weeks.”

The aim of the consultation process was to provide an opportunity for as many people as possible to share their views and feedback on the co-produced draft Strategy and its vision, themes and actions. It was clear from the feedback received that there was broad agreement with the priorities and recommendations set against each of the key themes of the draft strategy. Respondents to the consultation also recognised the ambitious nature of the strategy and the requirement for key drivers to support its implementation. The full report is available online.


Notes to editors: 

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