Welcome for RQIA scheme

Date published: 07 June 2018

The Department of Health has welcomed the launch of the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority's (RQIA) Membership Scheme.

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A spokesperson said: “RQIA’s new Membership Scheme is an opportunity for service users and their families to help shape how RQIA regulates services and keeps service users informed about the quality of health and care services. 

“Service users will have the opportunity to have a greater say in how RQIA inspects services and how RQIA shares information with service users. This is an important and welcome development in line with our commitment to co-production and user involvement and engagement.

“Greater involvement in the design and delivery of how RQIA discharges its role has the potential to enable service users to have an impact on the effectiveness of regulation and ultimately to contribute to improvements in the quality of services and user experiences.”

More details of the RQIA Membership Scheme are available online.

Notes to editors: 

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