Census of drug and alcohol treatment services in Northern Ireland: 1 March 2017

Date published: 01 August 2017

The Department of Health today published the “Census of Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services in Northern Ireland – 1 March 2017” bulletin.

The Census summarises information collected from statutory and non-statutory drug and alcohol treatment services to establish the number of persons in treatment in Northern Ireland for drug and/or alcohol misuse.

The bulletin presents information on the number of persons in treatment on 1 March 2017.

Key Findings

  • In Northern Ireland on 1 March 2017, a total of 5,969 persons were reported to be in treatment for misuse of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • This number has been relatively stable over the last ten years with the exception of 2014 (8,553 persons). It should be noted that additional lottery-funded alcohol projects were running during 2014 which would have contributed to the increased number of clients in that year.
  • Of those in treatment, over two-fifths (43%) were in treatment for alcohol only, a third (34%) were in treatment for drugs only, and a quarter (23%) were in treatment for both drugs and alcohol.
  • Over the last decade, there has been a change in the type of treatment being sought; there has been a relative fall in the proportion of those receiving treatment for alcohol from four-fifths (80%) to two-thirds (66%) whereas the proportion of clients in treatment for drugs has increased from 38% to 57%.
  • Of those in treatment for alcohol and /or drugs, three-fifths (60%) were males aged 18 and over, with more than a quarter (28%) being females aged 18 and over. Three times as many male clients under 18 (9%) were in treatment than female clients under 18 (3%).
  • A quarter of clients were receiving treatment in the Belfast Trust area. The remaining Trusts were around a fifth with the exception of the South Eastern Trust at 14%.
  • Three-fifths of clients (60%) received treatment through statutory organisations, with 37% receiving treatment though non-statutory organisations, and 3% receiving treatment in prison.
  • The majority of clients (89%) were being treated in a non-residential setting. Those who were being treated for both drugs and alcohol were more likely to have received treatment in a residential setting (17%) than those being treated for either drugs only (1%) or alcohol only (6%).

Notes to editors: 

1. This is the sixth Census of drug and alcohol treatment services in Northern Ireland. Previous Censuses were conducted on 1 March in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, and on 1 September 2014.

2. This publication is available online at: Census of drug and alcohol treatment services in Northern Ireland - 1 March 2017

3. Additional information is available from:

Public Health Information and Research Branch
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