Extension to the Term of Appointment of the Non-Executive Chair of the Board of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council

Date published: 28 September 2017

The Non-Executive appointment of James (Jim) Perry, as Chair, has been extended for a maximum of six months from 1 October 2017.

This appointment carries a time commitment of two days per week and attracts an annual remuneration of £17,403.

The Northern Ireland Social Care Council is responsible for registering and regulating social workers and social care staff by maintaining a register of the workforce and conducting inquiries into allegations of misconduct; in the event that individuals are found unfit to practice on grounds of misconduct, bad practice, negligence, abuse or ill-health, the Council has powers to suspend, vary or remove registration; publishing Codes of Practice for employees and employers; and, promoting, developing, approving and regulating training and education, at qualifying and post-qualifying level, of social care staff.

The Council is also the Northern Ireland component of the UK sector skills council partnership Skills for Care and Development which has the responsibility of ensuring that an appropriately skilled and qualified workforce is available.

The Board of the Council comprises of a non-executive Chair and 12 non-executive members. 

The appointment is made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for NI.

Notes to editors: 

1.   The extension was made with the approval of the Department of Health. 

2.   All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process and Mr. Perry declared no political activity.

3.   Media enquiries to DoH Press Office on 028 9052 0579. Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer via pager number 07623 974383 and your call will be returned. Follow us on Twitter @healthdpt

4.   Mr James Perry (MBE, MSc FCA) has been a Lay Member of the Council since October 2007. Mr. Perry was appointed as Non-Executive Chair of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council for a four year term from April 2013.   A chartered accountant by profession, Mr Perry has held senior management positions in Northern Ireland Electricity and the Northern Ireland Tourist Board.  He ran a small family business in Ahoghill with his wife up to February 2016. 

Mr Perry is Chair of Ulster Supported Employment Ltd which helps provide and support employment opportunities for people with disabilities.  He is also a Council member of the Pharmaceutical Society NI and Vice Chairperson of Ballymena Business Centre. 

Mr Perry was awarded an MBE in June 2017 for his services to the community in Ballymena.

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