HSC Partial Retirement Policy for staff and employers

Date published: 29 September 2017

Changes to the HSC Pension Scheme mean that the normal retirement age (NRA) in the 2015 section of the Scheme is now equal to the state pension. This means that many more of our workforce will have to work longer before they can access their full pension and whilst this presents opportunities, it is recognised that this will also be a challenge for individuals and organisations across health and social care (HSC). 

One of the changes is that the 2008 and the 2015 HSC Pension Scheme affords members the ability to ‘partially retire’. This is not available to members of the 1995 scheme.

As employers we cannot underestimate the impact working longer will have on our employees in terms of their physical and mental health and wellbeing, particularly those employees working in frontline and physically demanding roles.  In providing the ability to partially retire, and with the potential to ‘reshape’ roles, it is expected that this Policy will encourage pro-active and live discussions between individuals and their employers which seek to support the transition from employment to retirement.

The primary purpose of this Policy is to outline how HSCNI intends to support those employees to remain in work for longer, working productively and safely, whilst accessing some of their HSC pension benefits through ‘Partial Retirement’ and preparing for final retirement from the service.

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