Department of Health launches Strategic Framework for Imaging Services

Date published: 21 June 2018

Following a public consultation the Department of Health has today published the consultation report and the final Strategic Framework for imaging services in Northern Ireland.

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Imaging services are required by almost every patient who needs to attend hospital and their reach embraces all areas of healthcare. Imaging includes a wide range of highly technical technologies such as X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT scans, PET CT and MRI scans as well as interventional radiology.

In a modern health service it is essential for patients and clinicians to have access to high quality medical images that are critical for the care and treatment of patients.

The Strategic Framework aims to further enhance and modernise the HSC’s imaging services over the next 10 years to ensure that Northern Ireland continues to deliver high quality healthcare services and stays at the forefront of technological advances in imaging. The pace of implementation will be determined by the availability of finance to implement the commitments and actions set out in the plan.

The proposals in the draft framework have been developed by professional medical staff providing these services across the HSC and the responses to the consultation demonstrate widespread support across the range of 8 guiding principles and 19 strategic recommendations.

The development of a strategy for imaging services is one of the commitments in the Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together document published by the Department in October 2016. Delivering Together sets out the Department’s agenda to transform health and social care services over the next 10 years.

The Department would like to thank all those who contributed to the clinical review of imaging services and to the consultation process.

The Strategic Framework and the report on the public consultation can be accessed on the Department’s website.

Notes to editors: 

1. The strategic framework aims to further modernise the HSC’s imaging services over the next 10 years to ensure that Northern Ireland continues to deliver high quality healthcare services and stays at the forefront of technological advances in imaging. The pace of implementation will be determined by the availability of finance to implement the commitments and actions set out in the plan.

2. There are 19 recommendations all of which have been developed by professional medical staff providing imaging services across the HSC. These staff are representative of the highly trained medical, nursing and allied health professional workforce in the HSC who are dedicated to providing these essential services for the local population.

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