NHS 70 Birthday Celebrations - Message from Chief Social Worker Sean Holland

Alongside the birth of the NHS, 1948 also saw the introduction of the National Assistance Act; the legislation that created what we now know as social care provision.

As the health and social care system has grown and developed so too has the critical role social work and social care has played.

As we mark this important milestone, it is only right that we pause to reflect on and recognise the dedication of the social workers who have helped tens of thousands of people every week in Northern Ireland.

I am hugely proud of the important work social workers and social care staff do on a daily basis - away from the headlines and media spotlight - supporting individuals and families through difficult circumstances, and ensuring that vulnerable people are safeguarded from harm.

As we look to the future, it also right that we recognise the considerable challenges ahead. We can expect increasing and changing demands for the foreseeable future, and we can also expect that budgets will not keep pace.

That is why we must look at how to make the system work better; to make it better equipped to deal with our ageing demographic.

Reforming care and support is a challenge for all of us because the issues involved have the potential to touch on all our lives; often in an unforeseen and unplanned way.

We therefore need to reconsider the basis on which the social care system operates to ensure that people can have continuing confidence in its effectiveness and sustainability, not just for today, but for the next 70 years.

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