Children (NI) Order 1995 - Volume 2 - Family Support, Child Minding and Day Care Centre

Date published: 05 October 2018

The Children Order series of regulations and guidance consists of the

  • Volume 1: Court Orders and other Legal Issues
  • Volume 2: Family Support, Child Minding and Day Care
  • Volume 3: Family Placements and Private Fostering
  • Volume 4: Residential Care
  • Volume 5: Children with a Disability
  • Volume 6: Co-operating to Protect Children

This series of volumes of regulations and guidance builds upon “An
Introduction to the Children (NI) Order 1995” published by the Department of Health and Social Services (DoH) and the Office of Law Reform. The regulations and guidance in this series are primarily addressed to Health and Social Services Boards and Trusts. However, as they will have an impact upon the work of a wide range of agencies and individuals who work with children and young people in both the statutory and voluntary sector, they are of major importance to all involved with the welfare of children in any capacity including education and library boards, schools, those responsible for the management of children’s homes and those providing child minding and day care services.

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