Appointment of non-executive member to the Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Special Health & Social Care Agency (NIGALA)

Date published: 16 April 2019

The Department of Health has announced the appointment of a Non-Executive Finance Member to the Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Special Health and Social Care Agency (NIGALA).


Mr Lee Wilson’s appointment took effect from 8 April 2019 and will run to a date not later than 7 April 2023.

The appointment carries a time commitment of 1 - 2 days per month and attracts an annual remuneration of £3,070 per annum.

The appointment is made in accordance with the Code of Practice issued by the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland.

Notes to editors: 

1. Mr Lee Wilson

Lee brings over 20 years’ experience as a Finance Manager in a local Health Trust to the role and holds an MA in Administration and Law and a Post Graduate Diploma in Social and Community Development. He is currently a Board Member for both the Northern Ireland Social Care Council and the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency, where he is Chair of the Governance and Risk Committee. He was previously a Board Member of the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland.

2. NIGALA was established under the Health & Personal Social Services Act (Special Agencies) (Northern Ireland) Order 1990.  The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 established the general principle that the welfare of the child will be the Court’s paramount consideration in legal decisions involving children.  NIGALA’s Mission Statement is: 

‘To advise the courts of children’s wishes and feelings and to independently represent and safeguard the interests of children in specified public law and adoption proceedings in Northern Ireland’.

The Mission Statement expresses the core principles enshrined in Articles 3 and 60 of the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995.

3. The appointment is made with the approval of the Department of Health.  There are no specific qualifications for appointment. 

4. Appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, the Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland requires the political activity of appointees to be published. Mr Wilson has declared that he has not engaged in any political activity in the last five years.

5. Media enquiries to DoH Press Office on 02890 520575 or email: Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer on 02890 378110. Follow us on Twitter @healthdpt.

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