Swann appoints new Interim Chair of the RQIA

Date published: 18 June 2020

Health Minister Robin Swann has appointed Christine Collins MBE as the new interim Chair of the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority.

Mr Swann said: “I am pleased that Christine has agreed to undertake the significant role of leading a new RQIA Board at this important time. This appointment will facilitate an aspiration of mine since becoming Health Minister – namely to further strengthen the voice of people who use the health and social care system. I have also asked my officials to consider how going forward we might further strengthen the voice of people who use services in the field of regulation, quality and improvement in keeping with our approach to coproduction and partnership working.

 “Following a number of recent resignations of non-executive directors, I will be considering the position of further interim appointments over the coming days. It is a matter of regret that a number of former board members decided to resign at this most difficult time. I fully appreciate that this has been an extremely challenging period for everyone across the Health and Social Care System. I believe the reasons cited for the resignations could have been addressed to the satisfaction of all concerned and I would place on record my thanks for their service. 

 “I am assured that the changes to the board membership will have no impact on the day-to-day work of the RQIA.”

Christine Collins MBE was appointed Chair to the Patient and Client Council (PCC) Board last year.

Notes to editors: 

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