Minister comments on Covid-19 statistics

Date published: 06 August 2020

The latest total for new Covid-19 cases provides a “wake-up call for the complacent”, Health Minister Robin Swann has warned.

Minister Swann

The Department of Health Covid-19 dashboard today reported a daily increase of 43 positive cases.

Mr Swann continued: “This figure underlines the fact that the threat from the virus remains very real.

“If anyone still thinks Covid-19 is going to fade away, let them think again.

“We must all do everything we can to stop the spread of this virus.”

Mr Swann spelt out the five steps which the public can follow in the battle with Covid-19.

  • maintain social distancing;
  • wash hands well and frequently;
  • wear face coverings in enclosed spaces and where social distancing is difficult;
  • co-operate with the Test, Trace and Protect programme in terms of getting tested and self-isolating when required;
  • download the StopCOVID NI proximity app to help break chains of transmission.

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