Publication of Northern Ireland Care Leavers 2019/20

Date published: 27 January 2021

The Department of Health today published a statistical bulletin summarising information on care leavers aged 16-18 in Northern Ireland and care leavers whose 19th birthday occurred during the year ending 31 March 2020.

Care Leavers 2019-20

Care leavers aged 16-18

  • There were 295 care leavers aged 16-18 in 2019/20.
  • Some two thirds (66%) of care leavers aged 16-18 had GCSEs or other qualifications. The proportion of care leavers who had 5 GCSEs (A*-C) or higher at the time of leaving care was 27%.
  • Care leavers continue to have a higher proportion of young people with a Statement of Educational Need (21%) compared with the general school population (5%).
  • Of the care leavers aged 16-18 in 2019/20, for whom information was available, 71% were in full time or part time education, training or employment. Some 16% were unemployed and 13% were economically inactive due to of caring responsibilities or illness/disabilities.

Care leavers aged 19

  • There were 242 care leavers aged 19 in 2019/20.
  • Some 92% of care leavers aged 19 were in contact with Health and Social Care Trusts; with 61% in contact at least once a month.
  • Of the care leavers for whom information was available, 73% were in education, training or employment – a notable increase from previous years.
  • In terms of becoming a parent, 10% of all care leavers aged 19 were parents, with 13% of female care leavers aged 19 becoming mothers on or before their 19th birthday.

Notes to editors: 

  1. All publications are available on the Department's website
  2. About the data:

    The source of the data contained in this release is the Departmental OC1 and OC3 statistical returns, collected from HSC Trusts on an annual basis.

    Due to COVID-19 workforce pressures of HSC Trust staff, shortened returns were submitted and only a subset of the normal annual analysis is therefore available for 2019/20.
  3. This statistical bulletin was produced by Community Information Branch, DoH.

    Further information is available from:
    Community Information Branch 
    Department of Health
    Room 11, Annexe 2
    Castle Buildings
    Belfast BT4 3SQ

    Telephone: (028) 90 522580
  4. For media enquiries please contact the DoH Press Office by email
  5. Follow us on Twitter @healthdpt.
  6. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service For Media Enquiries Only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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