We’re on our way to a million doses – Swann

Date published: 05 March 2021

Health Minister Robin Swann has praised the work of all those involved in the Northern Ireland vaccination programme as the number of doses delivered rose to more than 600,000.

Graphic for news update

The latest running total shows 609,798 vaccines administered. Of these, 568,011 are first doses and 41,787 second doses.

The Minister said: “These figures, which are significantly ahead of schedule, represent the tremendous effort and dedication of our vaccination teams at Trust centres and GP practices across Northern Ireland. I know the huge amount of planning and hard work that has gone into delivering this highly complex programme and I want to thank all of our vaccinators, administrators and volunteers who are making this happen.

“Every jab takes us further down the pathway towards a better and safer future. We’re on our way to a million doses and very soon we will be rolling out the programme to all adults through the mass vaccination phase of the programme.”

Trust vaccination centres have this week begun vaccinating those aged 60 to 64, as well as carers who can continue to book though Trust carer co-ordinators and carers organisations who are facilitating bookings. To date 44,000 people who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) have been vaccinated.

GP practices are also vaccinating carers who are known to GPs and they are also making good progress in the vaccination of people on their patient lists who are either CEV or clinically vulnerable to the virus. GPs will continue to call patients in for their jabs – you do not need to contact the practice.

Since the start of the vaccination, almost 123,000 health and social care staff have been vaccinated in Northern Ireland.  This includes Trust employed staff and independent staff from the wider health and social care family.  A more detailed data feed for the vaccination programme is being finalised.

Patricia Donnelly, head of the vaccination programme in Northern Ireland, commented: “This has been another outstanding week for our vaccination teams and with a good supply of vaccine to hand, we are moving forward at pace. I would urge all who are eligible but who have not stepped forward yet to make their appointments as soon as possible.

“In the coming weeks, community pharmacists will join the vaccination efforts, working in tandem with GPs and the regional vaccination centres to ensure the vaccine is even more accessible to people of all ages right across Northern Ireland. In addition, we will receive a boost in supplies of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine which means we can use it in some of our regional vaccination centres, as well as in GP practices and pharmacies. This is very welcome news.”


Notes to editors: 

  1. You will not be admitted to a vaccination centre without an appointment. Appointments should be made online at: https://vaccinations.covid-19.hscni.net/booking
  2. If you cannot book online, the telephone booking number is 0300 200 7813. Please be patient when phoning to book.
  3. Age and identity checks will be conducted at the vaccination centres. 
  4. For carers, the Trust co-ordinators can be contacted via the following e-mail addresses:

Northern Trust
E-mail: carers.coordinator@northerntrust.hscni.net

Belfast Trust
Email: CarerSuppSvcs@belfasttrust.hscni.net

Southern Trust
Email: carers.coordinator@southerntrust.hscni.net

Western Trust
Email: carers.support1@westerntrust.hscni.net

South Eastern Trust
E-mail: carer.support@setrust.hscni.net

  1. For media enquiries please contact DoH Press Office by email: pressoffice@health-ni.gov.uk
  2. Follow us on twitter @healthdpt
  3. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service For Media Enquiries Only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.


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