Health Minister publishes consultation analysis report on new Mental Health Strategy

Date published: 21 June 2021

Health Minister Robin Swann has published a Consultation Analysis Report on the Draft Mental Health Strategy, which itself was published in December.

Welcoming the input from all those who participated in the consultation Minister Swann said : “I am very grateful to the large numbers of individuals and organisations who contributed to the process, both during the co-design phase, and in response to the consultation.  Their input was invaluable.

“Over 400 consultation responses were received from across a wide spectrum of organisations and individuals. Of these more than 82% were rated as positive.

“As a result of the constructive feedback officials are currently working on strengthening the Strategy to make sure it will provide the reform needed across mental health services. Once that work is completed It is intended to publish the Mental Health Strategy shortly."

The Minister concluded: “Since taking up my post as Minister, I have been very clear that mental health is a top priority for me. The key vehicle for improving service delivery and positive mental health outcomes for people is the implementation of the new Mental Health Strategy.

“A key element of that has been the involvement of a broad range of stakeholders, including people with lived experience, carers, health and social care staff, the interim Mental Health Champion, other government departments, academics and professional bodies.”

Notes to editors: 

  1. The Consultation analysis Report on the draft Mental Health Strategy 2021-31 can be accessed on the Department of Health website
  2. The Consultation Analysis Report on the draft strategy demonstrates that the draft Strategy now contains 35 high level actions set out under 3 broad themes: Promoting Wellbeing and Resilience through Prevention and Early Intervention; Providing the Right Support at the Right Time; and New Ways of Working.
  3. 428 responses were received in varying formats, including formal submissions, responses to the online questionnaire on Citizenspace, completed Word questionnaires, or freeform emails/letters.  All responses were fully considered regardless of the format used.
  4. The Consultation Analysis Report provides both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the 428 responses received, as well as comments received during consultation events and meetings with stakeholders.  It sets out the key points raised by stakeholders, and as appropriate, provides a response to key issues.
  5. Of the 428 responses, 291 were from organisations and 137 were from individuals.
  6. 82% of all responses received were assessed as being positive.  There was significant support for the vision/founding principles, the content of the three themes and the actions set out, albeit with constructive comments offered as to gaps, areas that required further detail, or ways to improve.
  7. While the Analysis Report cannot document every point made by respondents, nor respond to all requests individually, it does summarise the major issues raised and sets out as appropriate the Department’s response.  In the majority of cases, changes have been made to the final draft of the Strategy to address the points raised. 
  8. In some instances, the Department did not feel that significant changes were required.  In these instances, the Analysis Report provides clarification and justification for the Department’s position.  Some of these are set out in the consultation analysis document.
  9. For media enquiries please contact DoH Press Office by email:
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  11. The Executive Information Service operates an out of hours service for media enquiries only between 1800hrs and 0800hrs Monday to Friday and at weekends and public holidays. The duty press officer can be contacted on 028 9037 8110.

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