Swann condemns “anti-vax” disruption at clinic

Date published: 14 August 2021

Health Minister Robin Swann has condemned disruption by anti-vaccine protesters at a walk-in clinic for new and expectant mothers.

The clinic was held today by the Western Trust in the Foyle Arena.

The Minister said: “This latest protest is contemptible.

“I want to express my gratitude and solidarity to the vaccination team working at the Foyle Arena today. I am pleased to see pregnant women and new mothers coming forward to get protected through vaccination, in line with expert scientific advice. I would encourage more to do so.

“There is sadly no reasoning with these anti-vax crusaders, who remain wedded to their misinformed and distorted agenda. My message to them is simple – you will not divert us from our responsibility to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Vaccination saves lives and reduces levels of serious illness.

“To people who have not yet got their jab, I say please make an informed choice, based on information from trusted sources. Please don’t miss out on the protection that being vaccinated brings.”

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has produced detailed advice on Covid-19 and pregnancy which is available on their website.

For more information on “anti-vax” myths, see the Covid fact file which can be accessed on the Department's website.


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