Strategic Intelligence Group

Date published: 22 November 2021

Last updated: 27 April 2022

Minutes of Strategic Intelligence Group (SIG) Meetings

In April 2020, as part of the wider Departmental and HSC efforts to address the impacts of the pandemic, the Department’s Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) convened a 'COVID-19 Strategic Intelligence Group' (SIG), reporting to the Chief Medical Officer. 

The role of SIG is to consider the scientific and technical concepts and processes that are key to understanding the evolving COVID-19 situation and potential impacts in Northern Ireland, and mitigating these. 

The group will apply the advice coming to the four nations from appropriate sources of evidence and information to inform the CMO and the Minister of Health to aid with decision making in Northern Ireland during the pandemic.

Minutes of meetings of the SIG are available below and will be updated monthly.


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