Medical Workforce Plan for Psychiatric Specialties 2022 – 2031

Date published: 25 July 2024

In December 2020 the Department of Health commissioned the Public Health Agency to undertake a programme of strategic workforce reviews covering a wide variety of medical specialties.

The psychiatry specialties were amongst those selected, for it was some time since they had last been examined.  It was also timely, as the Department’s Mental Health Strategy 2021 – 2031 (published June 2021), set out a number of commitments related to the workforce generally, including the commitment to undertake a comprehensive workforce review.

While this Medical Workforce Plan for Psychiatric Specialties 2022 – 2031 is confined to specialist medical practitioners, it informed the Northern Ireland Mental Health Services Workforce Review 2022 – 2032.  In determining the current and future needs for doctors in the psychiatry specialties, an approach based on the Six Step Model to Integrated Workforce Planning was adopted.

This Workforce Review Report has been approved by the Department’s Workforce Strategy Programme Board.  The Minister has read and noted this Workforce Review Report.

The Department will lead on the implementation of the final recommendations, working with relevant stakeholder organisations.  Proceeding with recommendations requiring financial investment will be subject to future budget availability and implementation of those recommendations will therefore need to consider cost and deliverability implications.  This Workforce Review Report should be viewed in that context.

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