1 Non-Executive Chair NI Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS 1/17) And 1 Non-Executive Chair South Eastern HSC Trust (SEHSCT 1/17)

Date published: 20 February 2018

The Department of Health (DoH) is recruiting the following:

1 Non-Executive Chair for the NI Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS); and

1 Non-Executive Chair for the South Eastern HSC Trust (SEHSCT).

The appointments will take effect from July 2018. This is an exceptional opportunity to share your talents and expertise, and to make a positive difference to the lives of people in Northern Ireland. The Chair positions provide an important leadership and accountability role, and whilst challenging, they provide the opportunity to shape and drive the delivery of essential services for citizens across NI.

The Department is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. It is committed to providing equality of opportunity and welcomes applications regardless of gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, ethnic origin, political opinion, sexual orientation or whether or not you have dependants. 

We would specifically welcome applications from women for the NIBTS Chair given as they are currently under-represented on the NIBTS Board. We would also welcome applications from young people, people with disabilities and people from the local ethnic minority communities.


The NIBTS exists to fully supply the needs of all hospitals and clinical units in the province with safe and effective blood and blood products and other related services. It is an independent, Special Agency of the DoH. It is responsible for the collection, testing and distribution of over 64,000 blood donations each year. The NIBTS is managed directly by a board of members, which has corporate responsibility for its operation.  The Board of NIBTS is made up of one Executive and four Non-Executive Members and a Non-Executive Chair.


The SEHSCT is one of five HSC Trusts established in 2007 responsible for the delivery of responsive and effective health and care services and for the ownership and management of hospitals and other establishments and facilities.  Each HSC Trust in Northern Ireland is managed directly by a Board of Directors which has corporate responsibility for its operation.  The Board of the SEHSCT is made up of five Executive Directors and seven Non-Executive Directors and a Non-Executive Chair.  Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors are full and equal members of the Board.

Essential Criteria for all applicants

All applicants must show on their application form, and if invited for interview, how they meet the following five essential criteria:

Leadership; Business Sense; Corporate Governance & Accountability; Stakeholder Engagement; and Self Awareness and Personal Contribution.

Applicants can apply for one or both position via one application form. Suitability of candidates for both roles will be assessed through submission of one application form and attendance at one interview.

Candidates considering applying for the NIBTS should be aware that proposals for modernising HSC Pathology Services into an integrated management structure, and which may include the Blood Transfusion Service, were the subject of a public consultation exercise in 2016/17. The consultation document can be viewed on the Department's website.


NIBTS Chair           £7,155 per annum – Time Commitment 2 days per month

SEHSCT Chair       £29,716 per annum – Time Commitment 3 days per week       

Further information and an application form available to download.


Telephone:      028 9076 5606

Write to:
DoH Public Appointments, Room D1, Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast BT4 3SQ.

Closing Date

The deadline for receipt of applications is 12:00 noon on Thursday 15 March 2018.  Late applications will not be accepted.

Information packs and application forms can be provided in alternative formats and applicants who require assistance will be facilitated on request.  Applicants invited for interview will be eligible for reimbursement of reasonable travelling expenses.

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