Delivery Plans - Health and Social Care Services - Phase 8 Plans

Date published: 21 March 2022

Last updated: 06 May 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for the planning and delivery of health and social care (HSC) services in Northern Ireland.

The Rebuilding Strategic Framework, published in June 2020, provides an analysis of the adverse impact of Covid-19 on HSC services. It also sets out the approach to restoring services as quickly as possible, taking into account examples of innovative approaches to service delivery, developed in response to the pandemic.

The Rebuilding Strategic Framework also commits to the development of Trust incremental service plans, detailing how capacity can be increased in the context of COVID-19.  For the upcoming difficult winter period, Trusts have been asked to take an integrated approach to surge and winter planning and this is reflected in the Delivery Plans for January to March 2022.  In light of the Omicron variant, Trusts have provided addendums which set out the additional escalated Trust actions resulting from the Omicron variant.

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