Expert Advisory Panel on Adult Care and Support - Call for Evidence

Date published: 05 December 2016

The Department of Health has established an Expert Advisory Panel to support its work in developing proposals for reform to the adult care and support system.

As a first step in the Panel’s work, it is asking stakeholders to submit their views on possible changes to the system via a Call for Evidence.

This Call for Evidence is intended to provide a way for stakeholders to share examples and evidence as to how care and support can be improved to meet growing demand and changing expectations, and to provide suggestions as to how the care and support system can be sustainably funded to meet those needs.  We are asking for responses relating to six priority areas; these are outlined in further detail in the Call for Evidence paper below.  

The Call for Evidence will be open from 5 December 2016 until 23 January 2017.  Any responses received after this time may not be considered.  All responses should be sent to or posted to the address below.

The deadline for responses for the Easy Read version is 10 February 2017

We reserve the right to publish any of the responses we receive.  If you do not want your submission to be published or quoted, please state this clearly on the front of your response.

If you have any special access requirements please contact the Reform of Adult Care and Support Team to discuss your needs.

Reform of Adult Care and Support Team

Room D2.19
Castle Buildings

Tel: 028 9076 5630

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