Northern Ireland Needs Assessment for Urgent and Emergency Care

Date published: 30 November 2018

In February 2018 Dr David Stewart (retired, former Medical Director of RQIA) was commissioned by the Department to undertake a Northern Ireland Population Health Needs Assessment for Urgent and Emergency Care. 

Dr David Stewart has now concluded that work and submitted his final draft report to the Department. The report sets out key findings and conclusions of the population health needs assessment. In keeping with the 10-year vision set out in “Health and Wellbeing 2026: Delivering Together” the report covers the period up to 2026.

The report contains a vast amount of data from a wide range of sources and also considers a significant body of new guidance and models of care emerging across the UK. It confirms a growing and changing demand for healthcare services with the population projected to continue to grow in size.

The impact of demographic change, including changes at local level, will need to be considered for all aspects of the Urgent and Emergency Care system in Northern Ireland when determining the future model for services.

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