Quarterly autism statistics for NI (July - September 2024)
Date published:
The published tables (updated quarterly) include the number of children referred for an assessment for autism, and the number of children positively diagnosed with autism each quarter.
Quarterly children’s autism data
Please note that due to the rollout of the new patient record IT system encompass, South Eastern HSC Trust has been unable to provide data since November 2023 and Belfast HSC Trust has been unable to provide data since quarter ending June 2024. Caution must therefore be taken when comparing Northern Ireland figures across the quarters.
Quarterly adult autism data
Due to small numbers and the risk of personal disclosure, quarterly figures for adult autism are only published at Northern Ireland level. Due to the rollout of the new patient record IT system encompass, Belfast and South Eastern HSC Trusts have been unable to provide data for quarters ending June and September 2024. This, together with the ongoing data migration issue in Northern Trusts regretfully makes a quarterly figure at Northern Ireland level meaningless. No update will therefore be published for adult autism for the quarters ending 30 June and September 2024. View the previous quarter’s figures.