Social Work Workforce Implementation Board

Date published: 01 April 2022

Last updated: 25 October 2023

The Social Work Workforce Implementation Board has been established to oversee the implementation of the recommendations and action plan from the 2022 Social Work Workforce Review and provide leadership and accountability for the development and stabilisation of the social work workforce.

The Implementation Board will comprise of Department of Health representatives, Senior Managers from the HSC Trusts, Probation, Education and Voluntary sectors as well as key stakeholders, and staff representatives. 

The Board will work together to ensure the actions  and recommendations are implemented in order to address the deficit and ensure there will be a social work workforce with ‘the required competency, motivated and empowered to deliver quality care’ in the future.

Social Work Workforce Review Northern Ireland 2022

The Social Work Workforce Review Report for Northern Ireland 2022 can be accessed below.

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