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2431 publications

Annual reports of the Northern Ireland registry of deliberate self harm.

Published 01 April 2014Statistical reports

In fulfilling its commitments within its Equality Scheme the Department equality screens policies to assess the impact and determine if a full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is required.

Published 01 April 2014Decisions

In fulfilling the commitments within its Equality Scheme the Department equality screens policies to assess the impact and determine if a full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is required.

Published 01 April 2014Decisions

In fulfilling the commitments within its Equality Scheme the Department equality screens policies to assess the impact and determine if a full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is required.

Published 01 April 2014Decisions

In fulfilling the commitments within its Equality Scheme the Department equality screens policies to assess the impact and determine if a full Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is required.

Published 01 April 2014Decisions

Delivering Care: Nurse Staffing Levels in Northern Ireland - section 1 and section 2

Published 31 March 2014Guidance literature

Ministerial statements on Transforming Your Care to the Northern Ireland Assembly

Published 14 March 2014Speeches and statements

Endorsed NICE Clinical Guidelines 2013/2014



Published 12 March 2014Guidance literature

A fitter future for all - Two year update report

Published 04 March 2014Development plan/framework

DHSSPS letter of 16 June 2014 from the Chief Professional Officers, and a copy of questions and answer document for dental practitioners on changes to the Controlled Drugs legislation produced by the HSCB in conjunction with DHSSPS

Published 03 March 2014Guidance literature

DHSSPS letter of 16 June 2014 from the Chief Professional Officers, and a copy of questions and answer document for dental practitioners on changes to the Controlled Drugs legislation produced by the HSCB in conjunction with DHSSPS

Published 03 March 2014Guidance literature

The bulletins present key findings from the third drug prevalence survey of households in Northern Ireland during late 2006 and early 2007. 

Published 03 March 2014Statistical reports

Strategy and information relating to sexual health promotion.

Published 01 March 2014Guidance literature

OHS recommends that practices print this guide and display it prominently so that staff can refer to it.

Published 11 February 2014Guidance literature

DHSSPS written and oral Ministerial announcements and statements laid before the Assembly for 2014

Published 24 January 2014Speeches and statements

A strategy and action plan to help improve access to services and support for people with autism, families and carers, throughout their lives.

Published 01 January 2014Policy papers

Statistical facts and figures relating the Chief Medical Officer's annual reports

Published 31 December 2013Corporate reports

Legislation and regulations relating to GP contracts 

Published 31 December 2013Legislation and regulations

External financial guidance circulars for 2013

Published 31 December 2013Circulars

Advice from the Chief Medical Officer to HSC professionals for 2013.

Published 23 December 2013Circulars

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