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2431 publications

In completing this questionnaire, you give consent for the information to be used for monitoring and evaluating the Early Intervention Support Service.

This information will be anonymous and you will not be identified in any evaluation.

Published 21 September 2016Guidance literature

In completing this questionnaire, you give consent for the information to be used for monitoring and evaluating the Early Intervention Support Service.

This information will be anonymous and you will not be identified in any evaluation.

Published 21 September 2016Guidance literature

Datasets and business rules containing the information required to identify those patients who are eligible for inclusion on the disease register, indicator denominator and the indicator numerator.

Published 21 September 2016Guidance literature

The Strategic Leadership Group for Pharmacy has issued the following statement of endorsement for Practice Based Pharmacists.

Published 14 September 2016Speeches and statements

The ten year obesity prevention framework, A Fitter Future for All 2012-2022, was launched in 9th March 2012.

Published 12 September 2016Independent reports

Between 8 January and 1 April 2016 the Government held a public consultation on the clarity, expression and usability of the new UK Chief Medical Officers’ (CMOs) low risk drinking guidelines.

Published 25 August 2016Guidance literature

The purpose of publishing the screening outcomes report is to ensure that stakeholders are aware of any final decisions in relation to completed screenings.

Published 22 August 2016Corporate reports

In fulfilling its obligations under Section 75 the Department is required to equality screen all of its policies and services under consideration to determine whether they should be subject to a full equality impact assessment (EQIA).

Published 19 August 2016Guidance literature

Professor Alexis Jay was commissioned by the Department to undertake a comprehensive Review of the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland.  

Published 08 August 2016Guidance literature

This composite plan shows all of the recommendations in the order of the Marshall Report. Actions listed reflect the position at the publication of individual department’s reports.

Published 29 July 2016Independent reports

Strategy under Section 19 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015

Published 04 July 2016Policy papers

Presents information on waiting times for patients accessing cancer services at hospitals in Northern Ireland during each quarter.

Published 30 June 2016Statistical reports

Patient Safety Alerts issued by DoH

Published 27 June 2016Circulars

The Trust is obliged to put in place project management arrangements for the implementation of the project, which in accordance with the requirements of the Capital Investment Manual (CIM) takes the form of a Project Execution Plan. 

Published 13 June 2016Financial plans and reports

DoH CoPE Responsibility for Estates Related Procurement.

Published 13 June 2016Financial plans and reports

Guidance and forms for Completion of Estates Procurement Performance Return Forms EPPR-1 and EPPR-2

Published 13 June 2016Financial plans and reports

How to Run a Constructionline Supplier List

Published 13 June 2016Financial plans and reports

The Sample Checking/Measurement Protocol for Term Service Contracts detailed below is regarded as the minimum level of checking/Measurement to be undertaken by a DOH Arms Length Body (ALB) who is utilising a Term Service Contract (TSC).

Published 13 June 2016Financial plans and reports

Specialist Works Procurement Process Flowchart

Published 13 June 2016Financial plans and reports

Request for CoPE advice on Direct Award Contract (DAC) in relation to procurement of construction works or design service contracts with a value in excess of ALB Delegated Limit

Published 13 June 2016Financial plans and reports

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