Social Work Workforce Review Stakeholder Engagement Event - 28 February 2020

Do you have something to say about the Social Work Workforce of the future?

Social workers work primarily, although not exclusively, with some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people in society promoting their rights, challenging inequalities and improving the quality of their lives. Social workers work in different sectors and settings and in a variety of job roles, but they all share a common purpose, which is to improve and safeguard the social wellbeing of individual’s families and communities.

They do this by:

  • empowering people to manage their own lives;
  • promoting people’s independence;
  • supporting people’s social inclusion and participation in society; and
  • helping people to keep safe and well.

The Department of Health is undertaking a workforce review of the Social Work Profession to ensure there is a sufficient supply of social workers, appropriately deployed and prepared, to meet future need.

Have you experience of this service or thoughts on how we can ensure we have the required social work workforce to deliver safe high quality social work services in the future.

You may be a professional, worker or volunteer in any sector, or a service user.  Either way, we want to hear your views about the social work workforce and help shape the future of social work.

The Social Work Workforce Review Stakeholder Engagement Event will take place on

Friday 28 February 2020

 10.00 – 14.00 in the Loughview Suite, Ulster University, Jordanstown.

You can book your place for this event by emailing or calling (028) 9052 3233 on or before 12.00 on Friday 14th February 2020. 

We will need your name; position and organisation (if you work or volunteer) or status (if you are a service user/carer) and your contact details (e-mail, telephone number and postal address). 

You can find more details of how we process your personal information in the Privacy Notice below. 

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

You will receive a full information pack in advance to enable you to take part in discussion during the event.

A light lunch will be provided at the event. 

Service users/carers only will be able to claim travel expenses from the Department to attend (car mileage currently at the NICS Standard Rate). 

Please advise if you have any special requirements, including dietary (e.g. gluten-free) or access needs, to enable you to attend this event.

If you are unable to attend but wish to comment on these issues, please contact us using the details above to receive your information pack. 

Your written comments must be received on or before 17.00 on Friday 14th February 2020.

Being transparent and providing accessible information to individuals about how we may use personal data is a key element of the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The Department of Health is committed to building trust and confidence in our ability to process your personal information. 

You can find out more about how personal data provided during the planning and delivery of this Stakeholder Engagement Event will be handled at the following link: Workforce Policy Directorate - Social Work Stakeholder Engagement Event - Privacy Notice.

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