Social Care Policy
All professional aspects on how social care is delivered in Northern Ireland including social work strategy, child protection, NSMC, early authoritative interventions
Adult care services
Care at home - community care
Children and Young People Care Services and policies
Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk of harm from abuse, exploitation and neglect
Social Care Reform
The Department of Health is overseeing the reform of Adult and Children’s Social Care in Northern Ireland. An Adult Social Care Collaborative Forum and a Children’s Social Care Services Strategic Reform Programme have been established to lead the reform work. Both the Forum and the Reform Programme report to the HSC Performance and Transformation Executive Board (PTEB) chaired by the Permanent Secretary.
Social care statistics
Social care refers to the wide range of services designed to support people in maintaining their independence, enable them to play a fuller part in society, protect them in vulnerable situations and manage complex relationships.