DoH Chief Social Work Officer responsibilities
Aine Morrison is the DoH Chief Social Work Officer
Key Responsibilities
- managing and co-ordinating the work of the Office of Social Services (OSS)
- ensuring completion of outworking of the current inspections and evaluation programme
- providing input to major Reviews and Inquiries as determined by Minister or other government Departments
- oversight of policy development with regard to social work and social care training, related professional issues and sponsorship of NISCC
- scrutiny of Schemes for the Delegation of Statutory functions
- determining the operational policies of the OSS and the management and allocation of resources
- producing and managing the OSS Business Plan
- maintaining the OSS Risk Register
- providing input to the DoH Human Rights screening programme
- sitting on the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Review Panel to determine the suitability of people to work with children or vulnerable adults
- providing professional advice to inform policy and legislative formulation to DoH and other government Departments
- quality assuring OSS input to briefings, submissions, policy development and OSS Publications
- professional secretary to the DoH Central Personal Social Services Advisory Committee
- promoting effective working relationships with the Child Care Policy Directorate, other Policy Branches, Departments and other Agencies; and
- deputising for the Chief Social Work Officer
Correspondence from the Chief Social Worker for Northern Ireland