Children in secure accommodation
Secure accommodation has an important role to play amongst the range of residential services and facilities provided by Health and Social Care Trusts. In terms of the safety and security of the premises, the skills and enhanced levels of staff available and the specialist programmes which can be provided, a secure placement may be the most appropriate and only way of responding to the likelihood of a child suffering significant harm or injuring himself or others.
The current legislative framework in relation to Secure Accommodation for children and young people is set out within:
- The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995
- The Children (Secure Accommodation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996
- The Representations Procedure (Children) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996
Guidance for Health and Social Care professionals on Secure Accommodation can be found within;
Review Report
A review of the provision of services at four regional specialist children’s facilities in Northern Ireland took place during 2017/18. In addition to the Regional Secure Care Centre at Lakewood, Bangor, the review covered the Juvenile Justice Centre at Woodlands, Bangor, the Donard residential facility at Glenmona in west Belfast and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Beechcroft, south Belfast. The review considered how the facilities connected with each other and the movement of children and young people between them.
Review of Regional Facilities for Children and Young People – Review Report